A second printing has been made, of which a limited number of copies are still available.
Nothing high tech here. I do not take electronic forms of payment.
Payment Methods:
Money orders, cashier’s checks and personal checks are accepted. Personal checks and non-US Postal money orders must clear before shipping.
Copies are $38.00 each
Please add $8.00 per book to cover the cost of postage and shipping materials.
Orders are shipped via Media Mail, which is the most economical method of shipping heavy books. Average time of delivery tends to be about 7-9 days (sometimes faster) but, during these COVID-19 times we are in, please be patient if it takes a bit longer. Please provide a phone number and email address with your order so that I can send you a tracking number.
Payments should be made out to Jay Parker and sent to:
Jay Parker
Granton Books
3737 Tyler Street NE
Columbia Heights, MN 55421
If you have any questions, please click the EMAIL button below and ask away.
Thank you to all who have supported this project and who have had so many nice things to say about the book. It is truly appreciated!
Jay Parker